South Dakota Questers

State Convention History

YearSponsoring ChapterConvention Location
1984Dacotahs #971Sioux Falls
1986Lakota Prairie #956 (disbanded)Parker
1987Stanage #612Yankton
1988Queen Bee # 969 (disbanded)Sioux Falls
1989Arikara #419 (Yankton)Pierre
1990Prairie Pasque #1072Madison
1991Joseph Ward #937Yankton
1992Soge og Laere #1063Hurley
1993Rushmore Memories #1147Rapid City
1994Capitol City #1179Pierre
1995Dakota Territory #794Yankton
1996Coteau #1189Brookings
Dacotahs #971 (Sioux Falls)
1997Emerald City #1197Aberdeen
Yellow Brick Road #1198
1998Laura Ingalls Wilder #1255Yankton
Stanage #612
1999Gold Prospectors #1202Rapid City
Rapid City chapters
2000Prairie Pasque #1072Madison
2001National ConventionRapid City
No state convention held
2002Arikara #419Yankton
Meridian Bridge #1283 (now disbanded)
2003Land of Oz #1001Aberdeen
2004Klondike Mill #1342Canton
Soge og Laere #1063
2005Coteau #1189Brookings
Kampeska #1301 (Watertown)
2006Rushmore Memories #1147 (Rapid City)Pierre
Capital City #1179
2007Joseph Ward #437Yankton
Dakota Territory #794
2008Yellow Brick Road #1198Aberdeen
Emerald City #1197
2009Dacotahs #971Sioux Falls
2010Stanage #612Yankton
Laura Ingalls Wilder #1255
2011Belle Fourche #1434 (now Johnny Spaulding)Belle Fourche
2012Prairie Pasque #1072Madison
2013Arikara #419Yankton
2014Land of Oz #1001Aberdeen
2015Rushmore Memories #1147Deadwood
2016Coteau #1189Flandreau
2017Klondike Mill #1341/ Dacotahs #0971Canton / Sioux Falls
2018Laura Ingalls Wilder #1255Yankton (cancelled because of weather)
2019Yellow Brick Road #1198/ Emerald City #1197/ Land of Oz #1001Aberdeen (cancelled because of weather)
2020Dakota Territory #794 / Arikara #419
Yankton (cancelled because of COVID-19)
2021Dakota Territory #794 / Arikara #419
Yankton (cancelled because of COVID-19)
2022Johnny Spaulding #1434Belle Fourche
2023No state convention; hosting international convention insteadSioux Falls
2024Prairie Pasque #1072Madison
2025Arikara #419Yankton
Add Updated May 2024